Friday, April 15, 2011

The Inspiration for the book

The inspiration for The Best Baker in the World came from a couple of places.  First, I love to bake!  I bake all kinds of things.  Am I the best baker in the world?  Certainly not even close, but I have turned out a few good things.  Secondly, I used to have a home based embroidery business.  If anyone has ever owned a home based business, you know where this is going.  There are no business hours.  You can work until midnight or as long as it takes to finish the job.   There are no holidays.  People call you at dinner time with, "I really need it tomorrow."  My husband's philosophy is "your failure to plan does not constitute an emergency on my part."  I'm much easier than that and would jump through hoops to get things done in a jiffy and many times even deliver  the finished product.  After several years, I finally had to say, ENOUGH!"  I loathe that embroidery machine now.  No more embroidery for me.  I will eventually enjoy doing fun projects again, but it will take some time. The character in my book has a similar experience.   She loves to bake and is talked into selling her baked goods.  I guess you can never really take a hobby and turn it into a job!  Some people do, but I am not disciplined enough to set boundaries and keep it all in check.

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